As pet owners, we will do anything to keep our fur babies safe, comfortable, and happy. We make sure they are microchipped, we take them for regular claw clips, we leave the radio on for them when we go out, we turn the heating up on Hive when it’s getting colder and they are home alone… Yep, we spoil them rotten!
Most of us know the most common foods and other things that can make our cat or dog ill, and we make sure we keep our animals away from these things. There are some things, though, that can – and do – make our furry friends quite unwell, and we sometimes aren’t even aware of them.
Spring-time hazards
As we move into spring, we – and our pets – will come across a number of things that may give them a poorly tummy, or worse. This list of things includes foods such as chocolate or raisins, seasonal tablets, flowers, and things that we might use to keep our gardens free of slugs or snails.

Prevention is better than cure
Even though we do everything that we possibly can to stop our cats and dogs eating these items, we know that – despite our best efforts – there will be times when we drop a slice of onion of the floor, when a child lovingly shares their Easter egg with their furry friend, or when our dogs decide to dig up the tulips we have just planted in the garden.
It’s for this reason that we always recommend that all dog and cat owners have a basic knowledge of pet first aid. We need to know how to spot the signs of illness, what action to take, and when medical advice is needed.
Organisations like the PDSA offer fantastic – and free – pet first aid workbooks, which cover some of the more common yet serious accidents, illnesses, and incidents.
For your peace of mind – and for the safety and well-being of all of our four-legged customers – we make sure that every single Hope’s Happy Hounds team member has been trained in pet first aid. So you can be sure that, if anything ever did happen, they would be in the very, very best of hands.